Recommended Reads

If you're into speculative sci fi and/or mystery novels, I highly, seriously, super-duper really muchly recommend Ben H. Winters' The Last Policeman trilogy. I devoured the last two books in a day and a half, cutting into my own writing time. That's a problem.

Here they are on his site.

And here's a brief description of the first in the series:

"What’s the point in solving murders if we’re all going to die? Detective Hank Palace has asked this question ever since asteroid 2011GV1 hovered into view. Several kilometers wide, it’s on a collision course with planet Earth, with just six precious months until impact.

"Industry is grinding to a halt. Most people have abandoned their jobs. But not Hank Palace. As our story opens, he’s investigating the latest suicide in a city that’s full of suicides—only this one feels wrong. This one feels like homicide. And Palace is the only one who cares. What’s the point in solving murders if we’re all going to die?"

A Very Cool Anthology, Coming Soon

A collection that showcases feminist speculative fiction? Where do I buy it and how do I submit to the next one?

Book description: "Sisters of the Revolution gathers a highly curated selection of feminist speculative fiction (science fiction, fantasy, horror, and more) chosen by one of the most respected editorial teams in speculative literature today, the award-winning Ann and Jeff VanderMeer. Including stories from the 1970s to the present day, the collection seeks to expand the conversation about feminism while engaging the reader in a wealth of imaginative ideas."

Preorder here on Amazon, or buy directly from the publisher.

Today's Sciency Links of Note

The truth is out there. Tom Delonge of Blink 182 fame says he has had contact with aliens.

Is there life on Mars? There wants to be. Mars One, a nonprofit set on bringing people to Mars, unveils their top 10 hopefuls. I guess this is like playing Martian Idol, maybe? Read more about Mars One on their site, here.

Space probe Dawn nears dwarf planet Ceres, capturing some pretty nifty images. What are those bright white spots? Tom Delonge definitely knows.

And Japanese Scientists make some headway (get it, get it?) in the race to build a human brain. There's a lot more going on at The Human Brain Project, too.

This is not a blog

I don't want to be one of those people who updates my blog every two months saying things like, "Sorry it's been so long. I'm really busy." Truth is, I'd rather concentrate on producing more substantial work. You understand, yes, yes?

I'd like for this page to be something of a hub. I will post links to things and people I find interesting, paired occasionally with thoughts about those things. My aim is to create a resource for writers and readers of boundary-pushing fiction with an interest in science. Updates may be sporadic. We'll all just have to live with that. :)